Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)
Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)

Think Analogies - Level B-1 (Grades 6-12)

As students learn to understand simple word analogies, they move toward understanding more complex analogous relationships presented in literature, science, and history.

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The Critical Thinking Co.
6 7 8 HS
Test Prep
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Think Analogies® Books - Level B-1 Grades 6-12 - Learning to Connect Words & Relationships.

 Looking for an easy-to-understand method to teach analogies with plenty of practice? The books in this series teach students how to analyze and classify analogies by relationship, category, and structure. Students who learn strategies to make and complete analogies benefit in many ways. They sharpen their reasoning skills as they analyze the subtleties of language and relationship presented in analogies. As students learn to understand simple word analogies, they move toward understanding more complex analogous relationships presented in literature, science, and history. Analogies are also a key component of many assessment and ability tests.

Both books begin with an exploration of word relationships. Students classify word groups and form pairs of related items, and then identify types of analogous relationships and classify them. Finally, they select and supply words and word pairs to complete analogies. The B1 book also teaches how to read and understand analogy structures, describe analogous relationships, and make analogies from word lists. Reproducible 8.5 x 11 inch Workbook. Answer Key included in back of book. Black and White. 60 pages. 
