Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)
Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)

Math Analogies: Beginning (Grades K-1)

Understanding analogies and the ability to reason analogically (reasoning used to identify, evaluate, and solve an analogy) are important problem-solving skills which are an essential part of mathematical development. 

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The Critical Thinking Co.
1 Kindergarten
Math Test Prep
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Math Analogies - Analogical & Mathematical Reasoning Puzzles

Using Standards-Based Analogies - Analogies occur in life and frequently in high-stakes tests. Understanding analogies and the ability to reason analogically (reasoning used to identify, evaluate, and solve an analogy) are important problem-solving skills which are an essential part of mathematical development. The immediate benefit is to recognize and solve simple analogies. The long-term benefits are improved reasoning skills that enable students to break problems into their component parts, recognize analogies embedded in arguments, and evaluate them.

Analogies teach students to break problems down into their component parts, making it easier to recognize familiar formats that enable students to produce solutions. These analogies are designed around the grade-appropriate standards identified by the National Council of Teaching Mathematics.  Black and White reproducible workbook. Answer Key included in back of book. 8.5 x 11 inches. 42 pages.
