Brain Quest Workbook Grade 5 (Ages 10-11)
Jam-packed with a whole year’s worth of curriculum-based activities, exercises, and games in every subject, the Brain Quest Workbook series for grades K-6 reinforces what kids are learning in the classroom. The lively layout with original full-color illustrations and easy-to-follow explanations makes learning fun, interactive, and concrete. Plus it’s written to help parents follow and explain key concepts. There are hundreds of pages of activities, games, and exercises in:
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- Writing
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- and more!
This can be used as a year-long test prep program.
Written in consultation with the Brain Quest Advisory Panel of award-winning teachers specific to each grade level, each workbook comes with a mini-deck of Brain Quest questions and answers. And yes, these workbooks are reproducible for classroom and individual use! Answer key included. Full Color. 218 pages. © 2008, 2023.