In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set
In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set
In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set
In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set
In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set
In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set

In the Footsteps of the Saints - 12 Book Set

Mary's Books
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Mary's Books
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Avarage rating: 5/5 Number of reviews: 3
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Avarage rating: 5/5 Number of reviews: 3

This pack contains


Sale - Regular Price $279.95 - Now only $69.95 - Save $10.00 through Christmas!

These early readers are a magnificent way to introduce heroes of the faith to your children. Each book is approximately 32 pages and has double spacing and a larger font size to make them easy to read. 

These are listed as "Level 1 books - Early Readers" by the publisher.
