The Mad Scientists' Club
Here, captured under one cover, are the fun-filled escapades of the young scientists whose exciting capers debuted in Boys' Life over fifty years ago.
A strange sea monster appears on the lake ...a fortune is unearthed from an old cannon ...a valuable dinosaur egg is stolen. Watch out as the Mad Scientists turn Mammoth Falls upside down!
Take seven, lively, "normal" boys, one an inventive genius, give them a clubhouse for cooking up ideas, an electronics lab above the town hardware store, and a good supply of Army surplus equipment, and you, have a boyhood dream come true and a situation that bears watching.
In the hands of an author whose own work involved technological pioneering, the proceedings are well worth undivided attention, as the boys explore every conceivable possibility for high and happy adventure in the neighborhood of Mammoth Falls. To the unutterable confusion of the local dignitaries, and the unalloyed delight of Bertrand Brinley's fans, the young heroes not only outwit their insidious rival, Harmon Muldoon, but emerge as town heroes.
Here, captured under one cover, are the fun-filled escapades of the young scientists whose exciting capers debuted in Boys' Life over fifty years ago. Original copyright 1961, this is the Purple House Press 60th Anniversary Edition. Approximate dimensions: 5.75 x 8.5 inches. Softcover. 217 pp.