Seton Press
Seton Curriculum
Saxon Math
- What's New
Saxon Math K Home Study Kit
Includes Saxon Math K Teacher's Manual (507 pp.) and Meeting Book (24 pp.). The Teacher's Manual contains all the information you will need to teach kindergarten math concepts to your child. The scripted lessons provide language and techniques that have proven effective for teachers in a variety of settings. During the year your child will participate in a wide variety of mathematical activities. Your child will learn through hands-on experiences , discussions, and exploration. Concepts and skills in Math K include counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's, acting out problems, finding answers for addition and subtraction stories using manipulatives, comparing and ordering numbers, identifying common shapes, covering and reproducing designs, measuring and comparing objectives, identifying halves, and creating and reading graphs. There are two parts to the math program: The Meeting and The Lesson. During The Meeting, your child will answer questions about the calendar and practice counting, patterning, telling time, and estimation. A new increment or skill is taught in The Lesson. 1994 Copyright.
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