Latina Christiana Complete Set

Latina Christiana Complete Set

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This pack contains


Beginners Latin set recommended for grades 3-6. Designed for students and teachers with no background in Latin. Uses Ecclisiastical or Early Christian Pronunciation.

The Complete Set includes:

  • Student Book: 25 systematic lessons that consist of ten vocabulary words, grammar rules, and a classical Latin saying. Prayers, songs, conversational Latin and games are included throughout for an interactive approach. Also includes maps, and history and vocabulary index. Two color. 2015 copyright. 8.5 x 11 inches. Soft cover. 105 pp.
  • Teacher's Manual: Provides thorough grammatical overview, guidelines for teaching the course, lesson plans, recitation schedule, tests and the answer key to the tests and Student Book. Two color. 2015 copyright. 8.5 x 11 inches. Spiral-bound soft cover. 180 pp.
  • Audio CD: Provides a Pronunciation guide, prayers, hymns and conversational Latin to be used along with the Student Book.
  • Instructional DVDs: Includes 3 discs with 5.5 hours of instruction (each lesson averages about 15 min.) in a self-instructive format. Contains recitation and review, vocabulary practice, and explanation of derivatives, on-screen notes, diagrams, and examples.
  • Flashcards: contain all of the vocabulary, cue words, conjugations, and declensions from both the Prima Latina and the Latina Christiana courses.

    Students who have completed Latina Christiana I are now ready for the First Form Latin Series. While Memoria Press now recommends students move directly from Latina Christiana I to First Form, they may continue their Latin studies with Latina Christiana II.

Christian. Recommended for 3rd through 6th grades. Also, check out these supplemental materials:
