They are like having a personal tutor skilled in Saxon Math. The program goes lesson by lesson through the entire Saxon Math book, presenting the mathematical concepts from each lesson with detailed examples. Perfect as an instructional tool, or as a useful review, these programs are very popular with homeschooling families who use the Saxon math series.
These instruction Software programs are very easy to use, and run on both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. The student simply selects the lesson he has scheduled for the day.
The lessons are taught using a “whiteboard” which fills up most of the computer screen and makes the teacher’s writing easy to see.
D.I.V.E. lessons are 10-20 minutes long. After the new concepts are taught in the first part of each lesson, the student works out the D.I.V.E. example problems and then views the correct explanation.
Saxon Teacher is no longer available from Seton educational Media.
Yes, the software is designed to supplement the Saxon Math curriculum. When combined with a Saxon Home Study Kit and Solutions Manual, the software provides all the resources a student needs to excel at math.
Yes, the software is designed to go along with a specific edition of a Saxon textbook. Lessons will not correspond with other textbook editions. The one exception is Algebra 2. The 2nd and 3rd Editions are interchangeable.
Actually it is better because the student can easily pause, rewind, and fast forward the lesson with the click of his mouse, something that cannot be done in a classroom lecture. Also, there is no teacher in the way, and so the student can always see exactly what the teacher is writing as it is being written.
Shorter Lessons of 10-20 minutes.
Representative problems illustrating concepts each concept.
Unlimited downloads. They can be used again over and over for multiple students in multiple years.
"I often recommend D.I.V.E. into Math because it is such a dynamic product. It integrates both sight and sound into the learning process, offering more to every student and specifically helping audio learners. These interactive videos focus the child on the process involved in each chapter."
Don Valaike
Science/Math Counselor
Saxon Advanced Math (2nd Ed.) DIVE Video Lectures Download & Stream