
Virginia Himes' Art Program<br>A Present of the Present Moment

We just absolutely love Virginia Himes’ incredible teaching art series! It’s an honor and a privilege for our family, with children ranging from 2 years of age to 16 years of age, to call her our art teacher! We’re so appreciative to her for teaching us the beauty of art—but even more important—for the Holy Spirit’s calm, kind and loving nature that permeates a quiet environment of her art program for all ages. Like a short vacation, we can all sit down to a very peaceful setting and that’s a nice change in our household of ACTIVE learning. Even Mom looks forward to the art lessons where still moments of silence fill the Tuesday art break in our hectic week. Living in the present moment is spiritually important and, I must say, that we all look forward to the present that the present moment of art time brings to our family with Virginia Himes and her very informational and peaceful environment.

The serenity of art time in our home is like a breath of fresh air where all the children draw, but Mom can learn too—anybody can—really and truly.

Christopher, now age 10, explains best that his artwork before using Mrs. Himes’ technique was not the best.

Now, after taking Simply Drawing and some of Mrs. Himes’ other art programs, Christopher says that he has turned into Artman! Now, look at the after pictures using Mrs. Himes’ technique. Even Christopher’s handwriting has improved.

Christopher did not have a natural propensity toward art even though my other children seemed to almost be born with berets on their heads and long-handled paintbrushes in their hands, vibrant colorful easels in their midst, and white jackets on their backs. Chris didn’t seem to like art or even want to color despite my encouragement and oodles and oodles of glue sticks, googly eyes, old scraps of materials, prisma colors and so on. Some of Christopher’s friends do not have a natural art inclination either. But don’t lose heart--absolutely anyone can learn art if Christopher can. We have friends with the same story of amazing improvement after using Ginger Himes’ program. Naturally with art, hand-eye coordination and dexterity improves, self-esteem soars with the birds …the birds that your young “artman” or “artgirl” will draw.

Now Christopher’s pencil is faster than a speeding bullet, his pictures are more powerful than a locomotive, and he can draw tall buildings in a single session! He can draw birds, he can draw planes! He's artman!

The lesson can be as fast or as slow as you desire by utilizing the pause button while watching the engaging DVD.

Art does not have to be something that only “artists” do. God’s beauty can shine through your student’s hands! Like music, the faculty of art promotes neurons that synapse from right to left brain parts providing more pathways of learning! More dendrites, dendrites, dendrites! As we learn many concepts of art form, shape, shading, texture and more, we think more productively which eventually enables synthesis of many concepts. So if you want your family to have the precious quiet time to hear the inner plenitudes of God’s calling us through His beautiful world, then pop in an art DVD by Virginia Himes. Live in the present moment with the Lord through God’s incredible miraculous creation! Hop with the bunnies, fly with the birds, and cross over a bridge as they come to life at the tip of your pencil. Watch your “artman” or “artgirl” soar with God’s love, beauty, strength, intellect and more.

God Bless you and Mary keep you,

Suzanne Troll
