A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries
A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries

A Little Catholics First Rosary Book: Sorrowful Mysteries

Holy Heroes
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Holy Heroes
1 2 Kindergarten Pre-Kindergarten
Religion Extras
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Avarage rating: 4/5 Number of review: 1
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Avarage rating: 4/5 Number of review: 1


A Little Catholic's First Rosary Book: The Sorrowful Mysteries - A Bead-by-Bead Picture Prayer Book.

Engage your child "bead-by-bead" through the family rosary. The Mysteries come alive as every bead is a picture...and every picture is a prayer. 

Children will love having their very own prayer book:

  • Even before they can read words, they can read pictures - and that's the wonder of this picture prayer book.
  • Every prayer in the rosary has its own page, its own picture. Children recognize which prayer to say from the picture! Each decade of rosary is a story that is brought to life by 10 colorful illustrations -one for each Hail, Mary! 
  • It's an easy way to teach using rosary beads, too, because along the top of each page you can see what bead you're on.
  • Creates the foundation of contemplation in the heart and mind of a child for this wonderful devotion. 